Dr. DieuLien Tong

A tooth abscess is a pocket of pus that is caused by bacterial infection. This infection may come from a deep cavity, gum disease or fracture of teeth. A deep cavity or fractured tooth leave an opening for bacterial invasion to the pulp and lead to pulpal infection, this infection spreads to the tip of the root and form a pocket of pus in this area. This mass of pus can perforate a thin layer of bone next to the root tip and ruptures into the oral cavity.

Tooth abscess caused by gum disease is the infection of the gum and the bone next to the root.

A tooth abscess of an untreated cavity.

(1) Cavity

(2) Infected pulp

(3) Abscess


Signs and symptoms of a tooth abscess may include:

  • Severe and persistent toothache that can radiate to the face or neck. You may have more pain when touching the teeth or when chewing foods. Hot or cold food may cause more pain.
  • Swelling in the gum, in your cheek or your face.
  • Fever and swollen lymph nodes in the neck or ear areas.
  • Foul- smelling or foul- tasting in the mouth when the abscess ruptured.
  • Difficulty in breathing or swallowing.


Tooth abscess can be treated by different ways, depends on the severity of the infection. Your dentist may provide:

  • Antibiotic to control the acute infection. However, antibiotics only suppress the infection for a few weeks or a few months; after that you need a definitive treatment to eradicate the cause of the infection.
  • Drainage of pus pocket.
  • Treatment of gum disease.
  • Root canal treatment and filling of the cavity or placing a crown after that.
  • Cracked tooth may also need root canal treatment or extraction.
  • Removal of infected root stumps.

A cracked root cause tooth abscess


You should see your dentist promptly if you have any signs or symptoms of a tooth abscess. Untreated tooth abscess may lead to severe infection of the face and neck or even to fatal bacterial blood poisoning.

Once you have those symptoms and you cannot reach your dentist, you should go to emergency room. You should also go to ER if you have trouble breathing or swallowing.


Take good care of your teeth and visiting your dentist regularly for checkups and professional cleaning. Your dentist may help you to detect early caries and place fillings to prevent a tooth abscess. Gum disease needs to be treated at the earlier stage.

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